WBS- Part3 - lappy to make Individual file of Each Topic
February 01, 2016
WBI is large set of data. In last two blog we discussed how to do cleaning and manipulation along with make beautiful visualization.
But some time, we don't have enough resources or its gets boring to run same code time again and again. What if we had data that was cleaned (ready for any analysis) and arrange topic wise so that we can easily access when we need, without having to do all dirty work in R. May be you don't have R in other computer and want to run some analysis on tableau or excel on any particular topic. Its always good to have cleaned data.
We will take big chunk of data and do all cleaning and manipulation than produce csv for each topic and save it for further access.
Lets get started
First part is similar to old tutorial so I will just paste the code there.
Now lets make list of all Topic from i_name
Now we are all set. Let run loop to get subset of each topic's indicator name than we will left join with required data frame.
Advice: Don't used 'for', 'while' loop, try to avoid them as much as possible, (for if used ifelse). I know you are used to with for loop but it too slow in R. Always used apply family as far as possible no matter how small loop is. If you want to be good at R, You will have to know apply. Don't try to find other option. ( I used 'for' loop in R for long time but I had go to basic of lappy and learn it, it inevitable)
But some time, we don't have enough resources or its gets boring to run same code time again and again. What if we had data that was cleaned (ready for any analysis) and arrange topic wise so that we can easily access when we need, without having to do all dirty work in R. May be you don't have R in other computer and want to run some analysis on tableau or excel on any particular topic. Its always good to have cleaned data.
We will take big chunk of data and do all cleaning and manipulation than produce csv for each topic and save it for further access.
Lets get started
First part is similar to old tutorial so I will just paste the code there.
###download world bank data "http://data.worldbank.org/products/wdi" #>> "Data catalog downloads (Excel | CSV)">> "CSV" | |
##unzip and keep in directory of your choice my is "M:/R_scripts/Combine" | |
#################load required package | |
##if (!require("dplyr")) install.packages('dplyr') # if you are not sure if package is installed | |
suppressPackageStartupMessages(require("dplyr")) | |
suppressPackageStartupMessages(require("tidyr")) | |
suppressPackageStartupMessages(require("reshape2")) | |
suppressPackageStartupMessages(require("readr")) | |
suppressPackageStartupMessages(require("googleVis")) | |
currentDate = Sys.Date() | |
#########Set the file directory | |
setwd("M:/") | |
filepath=getwd() | |
setwd(paste(filepath, "R_Script/Combine", sep="/")) | |
#####readfile from your directory | |
wdi = read_csv("WDI_Data.csv") | |
country = read_csv("WDI_Country.csv") | |
i_name= read_csv("WDI_Series.csv") | |
#### create subset of above data, select only required row | |
## required col from wdi | |
wdi_sub = wdi[ , c(1,3,5:60)] | |
##lets run anysis on country name only; #country name in wdi file has other names like summary of region | |
country_sub = subset(country, country$`Currency Unit`!="" , | |
select = c("Table Name", "Region")) # if currency unit is blank its not country | |
colnames(country_sub) <- c("Country Name", "Region") |
Now lets make list of all Topic from i_name
# lets make list of topic | |
i_name_sub = as.data.frame(table(i_name$Topic)) | |
i_name_sub = as.character(i_name_sub[,1]) |
###let used lappy on each topic lapply(i_name_sub, function(x){ | |
## take each list as temp and get Indicator Name related to it | |
temp = as.character(x) | |
temp = subset(i_name, i_name$Topic==temp, select="Indicator Name") | |
##left join to get only those Indicator data and country | |
wdi_sub_temp = left_join(country_sub, wdi_sub) | |
wdi_sub_temp = left_join(temp, wdi_sub_temp) | |
##gather date and expand Indicator Name | |
wdi_sub_temp = gather(wdi_sub_temp, "years", "sample", 4:59) | |
colnames(wdi_sub_temp) <- c("Indicator.Name", "Country.Name","Region" ,"years", "Value") | |
wdi_sub_temp = dcast(wdi_sub_temp, Country.Name+years+Region~Indicator.Name, value.var = "Value", na.rm = T ) | |
##make years as date | |
wdi_sub_temp$years = paste(wdi_sub_temp$years,"-01-01", sep="") | |
wdi_sub_temp$years=as.Date(wdi_sub_temp$years, "%Y-%m-%d") | |
##let make unique ID in each dataset if we want to join later on for any analysis | |
wdi_sub_temp$ID_for_join = paste(wdi_sub_temp$Country.Name, wdi_sub_temp$years, sep="-") | |
##save file | |
setwd(paste(filepath, "R_script/Output", sep="/")) | |
csvname = paste(gsub(":",",",x),".csv",paste=" ") #file name cant have ":" | |
write.csv(wdi_sub_temp, file=csvname, row.names = F) | |
setwd(filepath) | |
}) | |
###total of 91 file will be produced | |
###You can find all 91 file #here https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sk7f7uoz9t7mb38/AACxA8gGTXZJV90CycB4uT_Ka?dl=0 | |
##download anyfile you need and play around. | |
#happy coding |
We have all the file ready for analysis, All 91 file are available at Dropbox_WBS, You can download any file and play around.