
HANGMAN in Python

February 15, 2016

We will make simple hangman game without graphic of hangman. Program that choose word from list and ask for user input

import random # To generate random number to choose from list
cont = "" # variable, if programmer want to exit or play new game
while(cont!="end"): # If user input is 'end', END game
print('''Hang man
1. You have six guess to make.
2. Only wrong guess will be counted against you
3. Always enter single letter and only letter from atoz.
4. To exit game, during anytime type "end" ''') #Rules
list_for_hangman = ['hello', 'world', 'king', 'queen', 'zebra',
'python', 'anaconda'] #list of word to choose from
word_for_hangman = list_for_hangman[random.randint(0,6)] # randomly select word for game
word_to_guess = ["_"] * len(word_for_hangman) # shows word as '_', masking
allowed_guess =6 # No of guess allowed
guess = [] # Variable to store all guess of player
valid_letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrustuwxyz" # Validation for user input(only allow test char as input)
user_input = "" # variable to store user_input
print ("The word you're looking for is "+ str(word_to_guess))
while (user_input!="end" and allowed_guess!=0) : # until user_input is 'end' or no_guess not 0
user_input = input("Enter your guess letter: ") # user input
#clean the input
user_input = str(user_input)
user_input = user_input.lower()
# check if letter is valid input and no of char is 1
if user_input in valid_letters and len(user_input)==1:
#check if letter is in game word
if user_input in word_for_hangman:
''' if word is present than replace '_' with letter but some time same chr may be mutiple place
than replace all '_' with letter, like for 'queen' if input is 'e' output will be '_ _ e e _ ' '''
place_of_word = 0
start = 0
while place_of_word !=-1:
place_of_word = word_for_hangman.find(user_input, start)
#if position of user_input is not -1 ie letter is still present in word, replace the '_' with letter
if place_of_word !=-1:
word_to_guess[place_of_word] = user_input
print("Success!!! Still more to go. The word you are looking for is:"+ str(word_to_guess))
start = place_of_word+1 # increased the index of letter
# if '_' is still present word is not complete so continue
if '_' in word_to_guess:
print("Letter you have already guessed :" + str(''.join(guess)))
print("NO OF GUESS REMAINING:"+ str(allowed_guess))
# if '_' is not present, word is complete type 'you won' and exit game
print("YOU WON")
# If wrong guess decrease allowed_guess and continous
print("WRONG LETTER!!! CAREFUL, You only have "+ str(allowed_guess-1), " guess left.")
print("Letter you have already guessed :" + str(''.join(guess)))
allowed_guess = allowed_guess-1
# if user_input multiple char
elif len(user_input)!=1:
print("Enter SINGLE LETTER.")
print("NO OF GUESS REMAINING:"+ str(allowed_guess))
print("Letter you have already guessed :" + str(''.join(guess)))
#if user_input is not valid char
elif user_input not in valid_letters:
print("Please LETTER ONLY")
print("NO OF GUESS REMAINING:"+ str(allowed_guess))
print("Letter you have already guessed :" + str(''.join(guess)))
# if allowed guess is zero or user type end , you loose
if (allowed_guess == 0 or user_input=="end"):
print("YOU LOSE!!!")
print("Word you are looking for was "+ word_for_hangman.upper())
#ask user if they want new game or want to exit
cont = input("To play again click any key, to exit game type 'end':")
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Happy coding :-)..

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