
About Me and Blog

January 29, 2016

TED talk by Hans Rosling(viedo --below) is most  beautiful example of how interesting data can be, I had never thought data could be this interesting and lucid . After watching this,  I had always dream of making data this useful and lucid no matter where I am. This blog will be all about this, making data interesting and lucid using various tools mainly: R to automated task, visualization, run different analysis; Tableau for producing powerful dashboard; excel for sharing; python for analysis and other automation task.

Rans Rosling TED Talk

Software to be used:
1. R, Tableau public, python: Both are free to download.
2. Excel: Not free but everyone will have it.
3. Github (Gitlab alternative): All the code will be made freely available at github

Little history on why R, Tableau, python?
I came across R when I was working at Kaymu, once I got into basic and wrote few code I was hooked to it. I was (am) working at Kaymu Nepal as business analysts, so my daily routine is to produce few daily report (which was tedious as I had to repeat same step every day), run various analysis ( anyone who has worked in excel with data more than 100k row and vlookup will understand my pain) and develop new system ( any thing from new googlesheet team headquarter to develop new access database to handle logistics).
I had made a basic rule i.e no any regular reporting should take me more than 5 mins. R was live saver, I automated all my input file for reporting using R and used excel for data presentation. R is very fast (for me as I have to deal with max 500k) for data manipulation and even data visualization and analysis. Mostly I have been using R to automate my task, followed by analysis and than visualization (visualization is a bit of problem as only I run R in my office so, I take raw-input from R and use Excel for visualization for creating various dashboard that can be easy share with anyone).
If you use excel for any analysis more than 20k row and to do repetitive task everyday than I would advice you to switch to R. Learning curve of R is steep but once you get used to, you will save a lot of time like, it used to take me 3 hrs/day  to make all reporting now its less than 2 mins ( some report are automatically made & emailed all I have to do open my laptop every morning and for other reports input are produced. I just have put these input to preexisting excel template and report are ready).

Tableau is very powerful data visualization tool and easy to used. What I love about data is its ability to tell story, ability to make impact, these two things can only be achieve if anyone (anyone with zero knowledge of programming) can play around with data, this is were tableau comes in. Simple yet powerful and lucid dashboard can be prepared from 100k row(upto 1000k/worksheet) of worksheet, in very short amount of time.

Python, I don't have to explain much I  think, It one programming language to do all most any thing.

Tableau is not replacement of R for data visualization but both program go side by side. Some data visualization can make made with one line of code in R but will take ages to make in Tableau and vice-versa . So its wise to make decision as per your requirement. Nor are python and R replacement of each other, they go side by side.

About blog
I will be sharing my experience with R , python and Tableau , various analysis, automation trick, data visualization technique, data science stuff like regression, forecasting, addition to that I will post series bank data analysis and beautiful visualization with step by step guide (from scratch to like one created by Hans and more).

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